Because of the solvents and molecules present in furniture, paints, household cleaners... our indoor air contains many pollutants which, combined with humidity, make what doctors consider a dangerous combination for health. The effects of humidity on health are not to be taken lightly, and the effects of indoor air pollution even so more.
We spend more than 80% of our lives indoors and studies show that indoor air is 5 to 9 times more polluted than outdoor air! Indoor air quality has become a real public health issue. According to the WHO, in Europe 117,200 deaths per year are directly linked to indoor air pollution.
Our houses are better and better insulated but more and more airtight and the ventilation systems are often insufficient to renew the air in our interiors. The air we breathe at home is unclean and responsible for diseases. It may lead to allergies and respiratory illnesses; however, certain air pollutants can even cause cancer.
The products we use to clean and disinfect our homes contain many substances that are hazardous to our health, such as endocrine disruptors.
Airing the rooms every day is a good practice but is not necessarily sufficient to guarantee the quality of the indoor air. Even when airing the rooms 15 per day, this still means that during the remaining 23h45 pollutants are diffused throughout the rooms..
To really know how to eliminate indoor air pollutants you can read the rest of the article.